The composition of the organizing Committee
The composition of the organizing Committee
1. Kosmodemyanskiy Leonid Vladimirovich – the national Vice-President, International homeopathic medical League in Russia (LMHI NVP for Russia), doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of homeopathy IVM RUPF, Chairman of the organizing Committee of the International scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»,
2. Zamarenov Nikolai Andreevich – candidate of medical Sciences, Vice-President of the Asian homeopathic medical League (AHML NVP for Russia), President of Russian homeopathic Association, associate Professor of the Department of homeopathy and electropuncture medicine FMBA, Russian Federation, co-chair of the International scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»
3. Mishchenko Vladimir Semyonovich – candidate of medical Sciences, President Russian homeopathic Society, member of LMHI, co-Chairman of the international scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»
4. Alexey Karpeev – candidate of medical Sciences, member of the organizing Committee of the international Congress “World Homeopathy Day”, President of the national Council for homeopathy .
5. Urazov V. V. – Executive Director of IVM RUPF,
6. Alexey Yu. Gushchin – doctor of medicine, head of chair of homeopathy IVM RUPF, member of the LMHI.
7. Fateeva Lyudmila Anatoliivna – researcher, MBU “Museum-reserve “Dmitrov Kremlin”.