Congress program

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Congress program


International Scientific Homoeopathic Congress




Monday – 9 April   2018

9.00 – 11.00 – registration of participants of the Congress

10.00 – opening of the exhibition

Presidium of the Congress : Drs: Alok Pareek, Helene Renoux, Leonid Kosmodemyanskiy, Nikolay Zamarenov, Vladimir Mischenko

11.00 – Opening Ceremony of the congress – President of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) Dr Alok Pareek, National vice-president Of LMHI for Russia Dr Leionid Kosmodemyanskiy

11.10 –12.00 – congress greetings from the LMHI, Russian Ministry of Healthcare, from the Ministry of Traditional medicine AYUSH Government of India, from Medical Department of Academy of Sciences of Russia, Parliament of Russian Federation (State Duma, Soviet of Federations), Russian Homoeopathic Association, Russian Homoeopathic Society, National Council for Homoeopathy, National Association of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Asian Homoeopathic Medical League, National Professional homoeopathic Associations from different countries, members of LMHI.

12.00 – 13.00 – Demonstration of the FILM about HOMOEOPATHY – the first Patriotic full-length popular & education film, by filmmaker Alexey Shutov

13.00 – 14.00 – lunch

14.00 – report of President LMHI Dr Alok Pareek – About Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis. (Agra, India)

14.30– report of President European Committee for Homoeopathy (ECH) Dr Helene Renoux – About the work of ECH (Paris, France)

15.00 – report of Director of Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) of the Ministry of Traditional medicine AYUSH Government of India “Scientific Investigations CCRH” – Dr Raj Manchanda & assistant Dr S. Gopinathan (Delhi, India)

15.30 – report “About refutation of Memorandum 2 of commission against pseudo-science from Presidium of RAS” – Robert Van Haselen, Irina Buryakova, Nikolay Zamarenov (Russia, Holland)

15.45 – report “ The development of Homoeopathy in Russia. Semen Korsakov -– the student surpassed the Teacher” – Ludmila Fatueva, Vladimir Miscenko, Alexander Patudin ( Moscow, Russia)

16.00 – 16.20 – coffee break

Presidium : Drs: A. Karpeev, S. Pessonina, M. Tomkevich, V. Zakharenkov

16.20 – report “185-years Anniversary of Homoeopathy in Russia”– N. Ageeva,                I. Buryakova, N. Zamarenov (Moscow, Russia)

16.35 – report “ Admiral Mordvinov – Remarkable Son of Russia, and supporter of Homoeopathy” – A. Karpeev (Moscow, Russia)

16.50 – report “History of low doses biologic activity researches in Russia” – M. Tomkevich (Moscow, Russia)

17.05 – report “The Concept of Scientific Schools for Homeopathic Medicine” -V.Zakharenkov, O.Budko (Moscow, Russia)

17.20 – report “Learn from Master Hahnemann… “50 Millesimal Potency, a Silent & Showering Spring” – Dr. S. Tanvir Hussain (Punjab, India)

17.40 – 18.00 Discussion

19.00 – Gala dinner


Tuesday – April 10, 2017. Birthday of Hahnemann

9.00 – 10.00 – registration

Presidium : Drs: Alok Pareek, L. Kosmodemianskiy, I. Tiraspolskiy, N. Zamarenov

10.00 – the celebration of the birthday Ch.F.S Hahnemann

10.15 – report “About world achievements in evidence-based Homoeopathy” – Robert Van Haselen (Holland)

10.30 – report “Reflection of the ideas of the philosophy of holism in the worldview of homoeopaths” – I. Zinovieva ( Veliky Novgorod, Russia)

10.45 – report “Contradictions in the current legislation for Homoeopathy in Russia”– I. Buryakova, N. Zamarenov, A.Karpeev, L. Kosmodemyanskiy, V. Mischenko (Moscow, Russia)

11.00 – report “The Science Homoeopathy in historical and experimental aspects” – J.Svirina, I.Kuzmina (Ryazan, Moscow, Russia)

11.15 – report “The development and use of the extract of biomass of cells of the subtropical medicinal plant of the Family Araliaceae ‘Polyscias filicifolia’ in clinical practice” – E.Gavrilova, BioPharmos Group (St.Peresburg, Russia-Finland)

11.30 – report “Homoeopathy in oncology” – A.Kubashev (Moscow, Russia)

11.45 – report “Homeopathy at the present stage from the position of evidence-based medicine” – L. Ilenko, O.Tarasova, S.Bogdanova (Moscow, Russia)

12.00 – report “What is it – Causticum Hahnemanni ?» – V.Dvoryanchikov (Moscow, Russia)

12.15 – report “The method of induction of preliminary Psora in classical homoeopathy” – I. Tyraspolskiy (Moscow, Russia)

12.30 – report “New class of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of pain syndrome” – E.Radionova, V.Selkova (Moscow, Russia)

12.45 – report “Non-invasive DBS -therapy (stimulation of deep brain structures)” – N.Tsvenkov – MTI FVD (Moscow, Russia) with film demonstration.

13.00-14.00 – lunch

Presidium : Drs: Alok Pareek, L. Kosmodemianskiy, I. Tiraspolskiy, N. Zamarenov

14.00 – report “Homoeopathy and competition in the Russian market of medical services” – O, Fedrunova (Tomsk, Russia)

14.15 – report “Legal justification of the Homoeopathic method of treatment in modern health care” – E.Dolgova (Saratov, Russia)

14.30 – report “About legalization of specialty ‘HOMOEPATHY’ in Russian Federation” – L. Kosmodemyanskiy, V. Mischenko, N. Zamarenov (Moscow, Russia)

14.45 – 15.00 – Closing Ceremony of Congress

15.00 – 15.15 coffee-brake

15.15 – 19.00 – Seminar of Dr Alok Pareek “Homoeopathic assessment of patients with serious complex pathology, including oncology”


Wednesday 11 April 2018


10.00 – 13.00 – Seminar of Dr S. Tanvir Hussain “Homoeopathic assessment of patients with serious complex pathology, including oncology”

14.00 – 17.00 – Seminar of Dr. S. Gopinathan “possibilities of classical homeopathy in psychiatry”.


Thursday 12 April 2018


8.00 – 14.00 –  Trip to Dmitrov-city, Moscow region to the Museum of local lore on the exposition dedicated to Semen Korsakov, with the visiting the place of his grave.




Welcome To The Congress

8-11 April 2018 for the first time in Moscow will host the international scientific homoeopathic Congress "world Homeopathy Day 2018", dedicated to the birthday of Hahnemann and S. S. Korsakov.

A seminars on the use of classical homeopathy is planned

in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, which will read the President of LMHI Dr. ALok Pareek – hereditary homeopath in 3 generations. Has been practicing for over 40 years, Dr. Tanvir Hussain, homeopathic experience for over 25 years and practicing on the application of mostly LM potencies in homeopathy. Seminar “possibilities of classical homeopathy in psychiatry” by Dr. S. Gopinathan …

This event is jointly organizing by

Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) and two biggest organizations – Russian Homeopathic Association (RHA) and Russian Homeopathic Society (RHS) with collaboration of National Council for Homeopathy and Association of professional alternative medicine.

International Convention on World Homeopathy Day in Russia is supported by

Committee of health of Governmental Parliament Duma of Russian Federation, Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and will be under patronage of Ministry of health.

More than 500 participants from different countries are expected.

They agreed to participate in the Congress: President of the international medical homeopathic League – Alok Pareek, President of the European Committee for homeopathy – Helen Renu, Director of the International Institute of integrative medicine – Robbert van Hazelen …

Reports on the maintenance of quality of life with the help of homeopathic method of treatment are presented.

International meetings of this level contribute to the development and strengthening of interstate relations, the development of homeopathy in the country using all the achievements of the modern world level, the expansion of the market of drugs and services in the field of homeopathy and traditional (complementary) medicine in Europe and in the BRICS, EEU and SCO. The Congress materials will be published.

The products of the leading domestic and international manufacturers

During the Congress presented: products of leading domestic and international manufacturers of homeopathic medicines, homeopathic literature of the best publishers, repertorization computer programs, specialized equipment and other related products. Planned a day trip to the places associated with the life and work of the outstanding Russian scientist S. N. Korsakov.









organizing Committee

Chairman Of The Organizing Committee – L. V. Kosmodemyansky

MD, Professor, Department of homeopathy IVM RUPF, member The expert Council on improvement of the legislative regulation in the sphere of complementary medicine Of the state Duma Committee on health protection, national Vice-President of the International medical homeopathic League in Russia (NVP of LMHI for Russia), Vice-President of the Russian homeopathic Association on educational work, member of the Board of the Russian homeopathic society, member of the Presidium of the national Council on homeopathy.

The composition of the organizing Committee

The composition of the organizing Committee

1. Kosmodemyanskiy Leonid Vladimirovich – the national Vice-President, International homeopathic medical League in Russia (LMHI NVP for Russia), doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of homeopathy IVM RUPF, Chairman of the organizing Committee of the International scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»,
2. Zamarenov Nikolai Andreevich – candidate of medical Sciences, Vice-President of the Asian homeopathic medical League (AHML NVP for Russia),  President of Russian homeopathic Association, associate Professor of the Department of homeopathy and electropuncture medicine FMBA, Russian Federation, co-chair of the International scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»
3. Mishchenko Vladimir Semyonovich – candidate of medical Sciences, President Russian homeopathic Society, member of LMHI, co-Chairman of the international scientific Congress “World Homeopathy Day»
4. Alexey Karpeev – candidate of medical Sciences, member of the organizing Committee of the international Congress “World Homeopathy Day”, President of the national Council for homeopathy .
5. Urazov V. V. – Executive Director of IVM RUPF,
6. Alexey Yu. Gushchin – doctor of medicine, head of chair of homeopathy IVM RUPF, member of the LMHI.
7. Fateeva Lyudmila Anatoliivna – researcher, MBU “Museum-reserve “Dmitrov Kremlin”.

Composition of the programme Committee

1. ALok Pareek –  President of the international homeopathic League (LMHI), doctor of homeopathy, doctor of medicine, Chairman of the Program Committee.
2. Samylina Irina Alexandrovna – doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of pharmaceutical science, corresponding member of the RAS, co-Chairman of the Program Committee.
3. Rolik Ivan S. – doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of homeopathy IVM PFUR, member of the Executive Committee of the Russian homeopathic society.
4. Elizaveta Vladimirova S. – Professor, doctor of medical Sciences, head. the Department of homeopathy and electropuncture medicine FMBA of Russia, Chairman of the scientific Council of the Russian homeopathic Association, member of the LMHI.
5. Pesonina Svetlana Petrovna – doctor of medicine, Professor of the Department of physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation of SSMU. I. I. Mechnikova, President of the St. Petersburg homeopathic Association, Vice-President of the Russian homeopathic society.
6. Radomskaya Natalia A. – candidate of medical Sciences, Secretary General of the National Council for homeopathy.

The composition of the scientific Committee

1. Raj Manchanda is President of the Scientific Council on homeopathy of the Ministry of AYUSH (traditional medicine of India), Secretary for scientific research in the international homeopathic medical League (LMHI), Chairman of the Scientific Committee.
2. Zilov Vadim Georgievich – doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, academician, head of the Department of integrative medicine first Moscow state medical University them. I. M. Sechenov, co-chair of the Scientific Committee.
3. Tomkevich Maria Surenovna – doctor of medicine, President of the national Association of traditional and complementary medicine, co-Chairman of the organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of the international Congress “world homeopathy day”, member of LMHI.
4. Il’enko Lidiya Ivanovna – doctor of medicine, Professor, head of Department. Department of hospital Pediatrics № 2 PF RNIMU. H. And. Pirogova, Honored doctor of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Russian homeopathic society.
5. Irina Buryakova – candidate of technical Sciences, national representative of the European Committee for homeopathy from Russia (NR ECH), Vice – President of the Russian homeopathic Association, head of the Department of traditional medicine and homeopathy of the parliamentary center “Integrated homeland security, member of LMHI.
6. Novosadyuk Tatyana – candidate of veterinary Sciences, member of the Executive Committee of The Russian homeopathic society, head of the veterinary section of RGO.
7. Osokina Lyudmila Grigoryevna – candidate of medical Sciences, member of the national Council for homeopathy, member of the Executive Committee Of the Russian homeopathic society, member of LMHI.
8. Tereshina Natalya Sergeevna – doctor of pharmacy, leading researcher of the Department of state Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacopoeia analysis, center for Pharmacopoeia and international cooperation, member of the Executive Committee of the Russian homeopathic society.
9. Ilya Tiraspolsky – member of the Presidium of the Russian homeopathic society, responsible for international relations, member of LMHI.

Little history

  • Great people about homeopathy

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian writer.

“Homeopathic share the most, can be strong.”

– In England, every third doctor prescribes homeopathic medicines to his patients.
In Glasgow, more than 50,000 people receive homeopathic care each year.
– 70% of the Brazilian population uses homeopathic treatment
In India there are 10 large pharmaceutical companies, 2000 homeopathic clinics, homeopathic 80 hospitals.
– Homeopathy at all times and in all countries is considered “elite” medicine.
– In Russia, 64% of applicants to the homeopathic doctor have higher education.
– Every eighth patient of a homeopath belongs to a well-off category of citizens.

From the SITE:

- Interesting facts about homeopathy

– In Switzerland, a study was conducted, which showed that the side effects of chemical therapy are 70%.
– In Germany, according to the Koch Institute, 75% of the population use naturopathy. As a rule, chemical drugs work only on the “symptom” of the disease, and do not affect the root cause of the disease, thus the disease goes into deeper and irreversible phases.
– Homeopathy in England is under the protection of the British crown. In 1854, during the cholera epidemic, homoeopathic hospital deaths were only 16.4 per cent, while in other hospitals the mortality rate was 51.8 per cent.

From the SITE:

- Interesting facts about homeopathy

– Russian Tsar Nicholas I was an ardent supporter of homeopathy. So, known the fact that in any, even the shortest journey he did not go without a homeopathic first aid kit.
– Paul McCartney is a big supporter of homeopathy. “I can not do without homeopathy, homeopathic first aid kit always with me, and I often use it.” Paul began to use homeopathy after he saw a great result of treatment for tonsillitis in Linda’s wife. Antibiotic treatment gave a rapid but brief effect, whereas homeopathic remedy did not act so quickly, but cured of tonsillitis entirely.


From the SITE:

- Interesting facts about homeopathy

“No true cure… can be achieved without strictly individual treatment for each case»

- F. H. S. Hahnemann

“Homeopathic share the most, can be strong.”

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian writer.

After telling the priest in confession about his deplorable state, he received advice to see a homeopathic doctor. “I took it for a mockery, at the time I could not assume that small grains containing atoms of substances could act after a large number of drugs that I drank.”But after the beginning of treatment, homeopathic medicines were very surprised at their efficiency, and in consequence M. I. Glinka was regularly treated by homeopaths.

- Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, Russian composer

“…I again took up practice, in order to test homeopathic remedies in the disease. Here I saw more and more positive that these funds are soon hard and saving”.

- Vladimir Dal, Russian doctor, writer and scientist.

“Our homeopathic brothers are not asleep at all; on the contrary, they are awake and realize – at least most of them – the importance of a scientific approach to the study of diseases.”

- William Osler, a distinguished canadian physician and scientist, the “father of modern medicine”

“Like to treat like is the principle of balance, the most important principle of nature. Those homeopathy and the emphasis. Hahnemann made the greatest discovery that the mere likeness to nature cures»

- Michael Laitman, a Kabbalist

“The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctors to buck up and learn something about the rational foundations of medical practice. We should be grateful that homeopathy has survived all attempts at allopathic medicine to destroy it.”

- Mark TWAIN, writer

“I can’t imagine life without homeopathy. In fact, I don’t go anywhere without homeopathic medicines and use them quite often.”

- Paul McCartney, singer, songwriter

“Homeopathy cures a much larger percentage of cases than any other method. Homeopathy is a new and advanced method of treatment of patients, cost-effective and non-violent”.

- Mahatma Gandhi was a leader and ideologist of the movement for India’s independence

Congress Organizer

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10.04. Tuesday from 15.00 – Seminar of the President of LMHI Dr. Alok Pareek

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